- Why are you Right? Yes, you, conservative person. Can you answer that question?
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- I think it's so important that I wrote a book about it. How to be Right?
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- The Art of Being Persuasively Correct.
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- Because if you can't be persuasive about why you are right,
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- then we, the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands, are lost.
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- So, here is the simple answer to why you are Right:
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- It is a more practical, generous, and compassionate way to live. Let me explain:
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- There have been a bunch of academic studies on how those on the Left and Right approach problems.
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- They pretty much all come to the same conclusion.
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- The Right tends to be risk averse, more concerned about external threats like tyranny and terror.
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- Conservatives, get this, tend to be conservative.
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- They are less likely to play with fire, in just about every sense: financially, artistically, sexually.
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- They are cautious about changing traditions, sometimes to a fault,
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- which is why they cling to that crazy Constitution they like so much
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- and to their guns and their religion.
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- We conservatives also focus on what we can fix, and accept what we cannot
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- which is one of the many reasons we're not obsessed over global warming.
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- With Radical Islam we know what the threat is,
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- and that it's a lot worse than a few missing polar bears.
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- I know that makes me sound mean, sorry polar bears.
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- Liberals, the research tells us, are generally more outgoing, more likely to try new stuff.
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- They are open to new ideas
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- though not school choice, or flat taxes, or a market based health care reform,
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- and are less likely to feel threatened by unfamiliar things.
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- This is why, in general, they seem to have more fun.
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- They are more likely to try drugs, for example
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- which is fine, as long as they don't end up throwing up in my toaster.
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- In short, liberals are pretty liberal. They feel free to take risks
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- that the risk-averse usually end up paying for, over and over.
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- Which explains the necessity for conservatism. We are the clean-up crew.
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- Liberals may seem to have more fun and many do,
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- but according to polls they aren't as happy as conservatives.
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- And with all the fun they're having,
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- I've never quite figured out why the angriest people I've encountered in my life have been liberals.
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- Maybe it's because short-term fun doesn't translate into long-term happiness.
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- Marriage, families and religion do that and those are the things conservatives most value.
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- Liberals tend to live for now. Conservatives for later.
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- A risk-averse conservative is more likely to save money.
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- He is more likely to protect his investments.
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- He is more likely to protect property, and advocate for rule of law and preservation of individual protections.
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- And he offers no excuses for looting.
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- Instead, he empathizes with the Asian, Arab and black small businessman
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- whose convenience store, laundry or restaurant goes up into flames during the riot
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- that liberals reflexively endorse as an understandable response to injustice.
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- Of course, conservatives aren't risk-averse in everything.
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- But they take risks with their own lives, not with the society.
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- Conservatives risk all to build businesses.
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- That risk, however, is rooted in a fact-based belief not faith in the free market.
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- If people want the product or service you're supplying at the price you're asking,
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- you will succeed and the risk will pay off.
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- Over time, it's conservative risk-taking that creates a civilization,
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- by building families, businesses, and nations.
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- All of which creates more wealth, wealth that can then be used to help those in need.
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- You need money to make money, but you also need money to give money.
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- Conservatism makes what liberalism takes.
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- So, for example, for liberals to get their minimum-wage hike,
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- first we need conservatives to build businesses, to think like businessmen,
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- to sacrifice their own salaries in order to pay others;
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- to sleep on floors if necessary in order to break even.
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- Then when they make a profit, and things are going great
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- when the calm sets in, liberalism can appear and say,
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- How dare you not pay these people a living wage?
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- Once the tables are full of diners, and bills are being paid,
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- and you're thinking about opening a second joint, liberalism arrives to demand its cut.
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- Think of it as a protection racket.
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- Sort of like the Gambino family, but without loyalty, job prospects, and track suits.
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- In short, conservatism doesn't compete with liberalism, it sustains it.
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- And so when a liberal asks you, why are you a conservative?
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- Simply say, so that you can be a liberal.
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- Do conservatives take risks?
- What creates long-term happiness?
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