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America is known as the land of opportunity where one could achieve anything they put their mind to no matter who they are. Thousands of people immigrate to the United States every year from different parts of the world to have access to these kinds of opportunities. This is what is known as the American dream. One of the many reasons America is such a great country is the diversity you see all around. America is one big melting pot of citizens from different backgrounds. America is also home to many of the world's top colleges and universities.
California Institute of Technology is a top world-ranked college that focuses highly on science and engineering. It is located in the city of Pasadena. Harvard University is another top world ranked college that you might be familiar with. The buildings at Harvard date all the way back to the year 1636 making Harvard the oldest university in the United States. It is located in the state of Massachusetts, University of California, Los Angeles is another institute worthy of recognition. Located next to Hollywood, UCLA has distinguished itself as a prestigious and selective university, due to the number of people who apply for admission throughout the United States. The universities mentioned are but a few of the many other excellent schools, that make the United States so outstanding.
America is also known for being at the forefront of freedom and equality. Although our history may be contradictory to these ideals, we have progressed and now live in a land of equal opportunity. Whether you wish to become a doctor, a lawyer, or a librarian. America is the best place to be at to achieve these dreams.
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