An English saying tells us that "practice makes perfect". There is another way of looking at it: the more you practice, the more positive and self-assured you become.This appears to be a terrific goal to aim for... So, here's a list of suggestions and suggestions for practicing your English.
Four Aspects of English practice
Practice Has different aspects that will need to be mastered before you can consider yourself in English. These are, Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Speaking and Writing:
if you don't know what people say to you, cannot have a conversation;
if you don't speak, maybe because you are afraid of making mistakes, people won't be able to have a conversation with you, and you'll never become fluent;
if you don't read longer texts, then you miss out on the opportunity to learn Lots of expressions and vocabulary in context;
if you don't write, You Can't explain or describe things in detail...
Here's what you need to think about:
Return to your instincts: adults are used to knowing about 100%, a comprehension level of anything less makes them uneasy, unsettled and self-conscious. When children learn a new language, they fill the gaps of what they don't know. Be patient: begin with the overall meaning, and gradually, as you learn vocabulary and expressions, the details will become clearer. This goes for both spoken and written English!
Just say it! Give yourself a chance: when you speak or write and you can not find the words you are thinking about, usе sіmрlе wоrds thаt ехрlаіn whаt уоu wаnt tо sау. If needed, change the sentence completely: you can say the same things in many diverse ways! And please, don't worry about errors: when studying, it is normal to make mistakes!
Grammar is your friend! Recall: terminology is used to communicate. Communication isn't the same communication, so it's a good idea to work on expressing your ideas in a way that is clear and understandable. The more you express yourself, confidently and correctly, the higher your chance of being understood.
Pronunciation is everyone's friend! Pronunciation is important: when you talk about the wrong pronunciation, it is very tough to understand what you want to say. Please, learn pronunciation that is standard. Local English can sound in the standard edition. The best thing you can do to avoid situations of humiliation or even fear is to listen to files. You can find many.
Memorize your Language
Another Part of your learning process is memory: in order to construct your knowledge, you will need to remember all information! There are easy techniques you can use that will help you memorize:
1. Vocabulary
Context is king! Words can have different meanings according to the context in which they're used. To memorize words that are new, always try to learn where and how they are used. Write a few sentences for each context and then speak out them and imagine by doing this a conversation where you'd use them; you help your memory greatly.
2. Spelling
Repetition and visualization: then and write the word a few times visualize it in context. It'll do wonders...
3. Phrasal Verbs
They Are fascinating! The significance and Change the proposition is Completely different... isn't that wonderful? It may seem frustrating To begin with, but just consider them as one word and follow the same steps as with lаnguаgе. Whеn уоu dо thіs, уоu gеt соnfusеd.
Katriel Vázquez Sandoval -